Some outstanding replicas of parts of the Titanic
To allow visitors to “feel” like they are really on board the ship, Musealia has commissioned a series of stunning replicas of its inside, based on all the available information. Only by situating visitors “inside the Titanic” could they really feel what the 2,208 passengers and crew felt.
Visitors begin their journey by entering through a replica of the main passenger entrance to the Titanic, before going on to marvel at the majestic grand staircase on the ship’s bow, contemplate the enormous watertight doors, walk through a first-class corridor, experience the luxury of a first-class cabin (and the austerity of third class), appreciate the size of one of the propellers and even touch a giant iceberg… The replicas allow visitors to feel like real passengers on the Titanic and the journey of approximately 90 minutes will allow them to understand what it really meant to be on board the ship of dreams.
The recreations of Titanic's rooms make our visitors feel like passengers of the TITANIC, helping them to understand what it truly meant to travel aboard the «ship of dreams» . The tour of the exhibition takes approximately 90 minutes long.